The evening started with a great dinner at Addison's in Columbia. After that we went back to the house to have games and gifts. It was SUCH a fun time and even when Danielle thought the fun had ended we had one more surprise for her! Ha! Ha! The last gift of the night was an envelope full of one dollar bills and then we shut the lights off and started some music! We had joked with Dano about a stripper before and we only wanted to make her THINK we had actually done that. None of us really would have because that would have been extremely awkward!!!! FORTUNATELY, we were able to have a guy friend put on a cop helmet and come in the room when the lights and music started and the result was awesome! Dano was fooled into thinking we actually went through with getting a real male dancer and was just as embarrassed as if we had! LOL Obviously our friend DID NOT strip, but just dance around while we all laughed and Danielle died a little inside! LOL In fact he was only in the room for like a minute and when he left and we flipped the lights on Dano was actually curled into a fetal position in her chair! LOL
It was pretty much the funniest thing I have ever seen, The following pictures are from that night and I would recommend paying attention to Danielle's face in each! HAHA! She was hilarious!
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