So Micah's mom cooked a great breakfast and then we traded Easter gifts and by traded I mean Jodi and Bill (Micah's parents) hid our Easter gifts and we had to hunt through the house to find them. It was quite the fun time and apparently a tradition with the Bennett family. Josh Smith from Berlin Airlift is dating the eldest Bennett girl, Alyssa Bennett from Snuggle Bug, so I wasn't the only one to experience this tradition for the first time. In fact we commented to each other about how we felt like creepers going through the entire house for our gifts. It took awhile for someone to find theirs, seriously almost 15-20 minutes, and then one by one we all succeeded in the gift hunt. It was funny because Josh actually found my gift for me and I found his for him so we were even. Micah's gift was actually hidden in the family's paper shredder!!!
After the hunt we all chilled and watched "Fantastic Mr. Fox", which was actually quite fantastic. During the movie I helped Alyssa sort out some beautiful buttons. After the movie I showered, got all "purdied" up and enjoyed a nice Easter dinner complete with ham, green bean casserole, cheesy hash brown casserole and rolls. The rest of the evening was a spatter of watching basketball games and playing Clue several times!

On Sunday, we went to church, enjoyed some more games of Clue and a yummy lunch of flank steak and salad. I also got the chance to color (and glitter!) eggs with Micah's two younger sisters, Paige and Madelyn.
We left Wentzville in the late afternoon but were able to stop in Columbia to enjoy some pizza with some college friends before heading all the way back to Micah's place in Topeka. During the drive we hit a bit of a thunder storm and even some hail but it didn't last long. The storm made for some great photos at least! Just call me the lightning catcher! :)
Well that's about it, hopefully this week I can get all caught up on my photos and blogs about all my recent events! I hope everyone had a blessed Easter holiday and celebrated the real reason for the season! Jesus died for us and rose from the grave! Celebrate, HE IS RISEN!!! :D
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