FIRST- Go to Youtube and subscribe to the Gregory Brothers. They are hilarious and everything they get their hands on turns to gold! Seriously funny stuff.
SECOND- Go to this blog "Hyperbole and a Half", the writer is hilarious and she never seems to fail at making me laugh... most of the time until I cry!
THIRD- Here are some funny things I find in stores, hope you enjoy the pics!

That is my dear fiance in a hilarious panda style sleeping mask. I want to know who uses this to sleep? If its you I applaud you and ask that you send a picture of your ridiculousness to me so I can laugh at you. Loudly.

This is an energy drink I found at Party America. I found it funny and entertaining because of the packing and cleverness of it as a Halloween/vampire lover's item... BUT that was not as entertaining as the warning printed on the back of the package that actually warns (in all seriousness)to not use this bag of fake blood energy drink in an actual blood transfusion. Oh, some humans are so stupid.
FOURTH- Here are some random fun/awesome finds from the interwebs :)

Have a fantabulous day!
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