Well of course I am still waist deep in wedding planning BUT I have been doing a lot of other stuff.
What you ask?? WELL... booking more photo gigs, getting my apartment in order/ready for the move, cooking A LOT and getting in shape. :)
First off, back to the wedding stuff, we bought Micah's ring a couple weeks ago and it looks like this.

NOW for the good stuff. The food. Micah and I have been on this low-carb diet that we have read about. It was created by
Tim Ferriss and you can read about it by
clicking here. The diet is pretty simple and only has 4 rules. AND IT WORKS!!! Seriously, Micah has lost almost 15-17 pounds now and I have lost 12 pounds. We aren't all the way through it either. :) I won't lie though... its tough to not have cheese, carbs (Micah and I are HUGE bread and roll fans) and sugar. Stick with it though and you won't be disappointed! It also allows you to take 1 day off a week to cheat! YES CHEAT!! Here are the rules:
RULE #1- Avoid "white" carbohydrates
RULE #2- Eat the same few meals over and over again
RULE #3- Don't drink your calories
RULE #4- Take one day off a week
Each meal is made up of proteins (meat or egg whites), vegies and legumes. Because of the limited materials I have had to get pretty creative with our meals. Luckily, spices and seasonings are pretty calorie free! :)
Here are a few of the meals I have made:
Seasoned pork chops with steamed carrots and lentils that I spiced up with some minced garlic, salt and pepper.

These are some rice-less California rolls I made for lunch one day. I just used the crab meat and avocado wrapped in seaweed. I dipped them in soy sauce which isn't harmful enough to be left out of the diet. :)

Tonight I made Mexican stuffed peppers! I cut the tops off green peppers and cleared all the seeds out of the middle then stuffed it with a layer of re-fried beans, a little salsa,ground beef cooked with taco seasoning and then topped it with chunked cherry tomatoes. After stuffing the peppers I baked then in the oven for a bit and they were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

Other meals I have made for us on this diet is salad (of course); Curry chicken with squash, celery and peanuts; steaks (this seems like it should be cheating! We have had steaks about 5 times!); Grilled chicken breasts; black bean soup; Stir fry with soy sauce, peanuts, chicken, celery, broccoli and sweet pea pods; egg whites with salsa and so much more.
I hope you found this helpful and if you decide to give the diet a try comment and let me know!!