After I left Rich Hill I headed toward Columbia to see some old friends. It was a great chance to see everyone again as well as take care of a couple of things :). I had planned to visit that weekend because my old roomie, Meredith Nash, was in town playing softball. She used to play for MU but just this year transferred to Ball State and is playing there. I was able to catch two of her games while in town. The other big thing I did while back at my Alma Mater was throw a bachelorette party/bridal shower for my very good friend Danielle Gerts. It was a GREAT time! After my weekend in Columbia I headed back to spend a couple days in Topeka visiting Micah and then made the long drive back to the Rockies.
It was good to get back home but I only had half a day to rest because I had company coming!!! Soa Ha and Katie Manaois decided to spend part of their Spring Break visiting me here in Colorado Springs. It has been a blast but tomorrow I take them to the airport. I have so many pictures and even videos to share! I hopefully will get those up soon as well as share a VERY interesting blog about my return journey to Colorado Springs. It was definitely a road trip for the books. :) Before I go I will leave you will a preview of all the fun pictures to come!!
God Bless!

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