Well, I got to say I usually don't watch the awards shows because they are so long and usual don't impress me because I'm more of a country girl and the mainstream stuff is usually so dirty or scandalous. However I did enjoy Pink's performance this year, I have always liked her edgy style and even though her outfit this year was a bit ris-kay she had an awesome aerial stunt and a pretty song. I also felt sorry for Taylor Swift Not her greatest performance... but I still like her. It's not so much that she is a better singer than everyone else but she's got some mad songwriting skills, plus she's wholesome. I like that. Lots of people talk about her not singing that great but that's not the point, the girl wrote all her lyrics and music plus she plays a mean guitar and all at such a young age. She also has remained out of tabloids and all the dirty celeb news. She has a level head and hasn't let the fame get to her. You have to give her props for that.
Other Grammy news is Beyonce is awesome, the Micheal Jackson tribute was pretty and starred an eclectic group of performers and the best part... hearing Jennifer Nettles sing with Bon Jovi! I love her so much, Sugarland is my favorite and its nice to see Country represented at the Grammy's. Carrie Underwood was reppin' too. Now if only Christian music could bust on the scene! Toby Mac would tear it up!
Also I found out where Lady Gaga gets her inspiration!

Is it just me or did Lady Gaga look like she got her inspiration for her Grammy's outfit from the Ice Titan in Disney's Hercules???
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