So here it is... my last week in college. It is kind of scary but I am ready. I think. I have enjoyed so much being at MU these past 4 years that I am not quite ready to say goodbye. I have loved my time in the journalism school and as a student at MU but the best part of the last 4 years has to be my time at the Christian Campus House. I have lived here every year since I came to MU thats 8 regular semesters plus 3 summer semesters. It has become a part of me and I will miss it the most. I became stronger in my faith and my walk with God while also getting to do some pretty awesome stuff! I have also been able to use the little things I learned in my journalism classes and apply them to CCH events. I made several videos and promotional adds while here, as well as participate in several skits. I even wrote and directed several skits/videos/speeches for CCH. This past week I gave my farewell speech to the people at CCH and it had to have been one of the hardest things I have ever done. I talked about all the good times, the lessons learned and where my future is taking me. After talking I showed this video:
I luckily won't have to say goodbye for good from CCH. No I won't live there again but I may actually have an internship there for part of the year next semester. I will be working on more in-depth videos and such for them and possibly will get to help with setting up a website. I am excited to have that to look forward to along with a couple other job possibilities. I will be working for a start-up company called Athelink and that starts in August. The last thing on my plate right now may be working part time at FM 92.1 ( a Christian Radio station in Columbia) as a sort of online manager. I pretty much contacted the management and asked if they had jobs available and told them about myself. They said they actually did not have any openings but would let me know... and that is when I decided I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I wrote back selling myself on all of my online skills and knowledge. I told them about twitter and facebook and blogs and how if used correctly those tools can be very useful for a company to get word out. I talked about my website and all I am involved online and just kept going. After I sent that message the manager wrote back and said that the station officials had actually just been talking about starting a twitter and facebook the other day but decided not to because they did not have enough manpower. He said he would talk to the others to see if they could possibly move the budget around to afford to pay me part time to do that work. I think if that all pans out it will be great experience and great fun! I am so happy that even in the bleakest of times as far as jobs go, that I see hope on the horizon. I just have to make it through a last week of school, finalize my apartment and hopefully start the jobs I mentioned above!
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