Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lots of Videos!

Over break I had a chance to work on my website some more. I uploaded many more photographs that I have taken into my portfolio as well as collected video for more of my stories. The only way I could find how to add the video to my blog was by first uploading the videos to YouTube and then linking the videos. I had some trouble finding all my video and story links because doesn't show all of them. It is quite weird... last weekend I got on and found a story, then just today I looked and searched and could not find the story for the life of me! It has happened a few times to me. I don't know what is happening but perhaps it is something that Jen will know about.

After collecting all the video I could find, I was able to upload them to YouTube and get them all uploaded to my website. I have re-published and will continue to work on it!


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