I have come so far since the beginning of last year. I remember sitting in the broadcast lab with Ashley Gaughan last year when our first B2 package was due. We were both stressing over our work as we sat in our edit bays, and talked about whether we thought we were going to pass the class. I remember thinking that I wasn't sure if I was going to make it and now I am in Advanced reporting and graduating in May and Ashley has already graduated. I am just so amazed at the confidence and skills that I have developed in just the short time I have been at KOMU. I made it through B3 with no problems and now I am producing the sports show. I am also working on KOMU.com. I guess what brought about this realization of my progress came as I sat in the newsroom just the other day. I was looking around and saw two different B2 shadow shifters and I had to chuckle to myself as I overheard their conversation. They were discussing their packages and the terrible grades those packages received, as well as Greeley and his alter ego S.O.S. I was in their shoes just a year ago. I have made it so far but I know I still have so much more to learn, I wonder when I will finally feel that I have nothing left to learn and I know the answer to that question is never. That is the great thing about the world of journalism, new things are popping up everyday especially with all the involvement of the internet now. I love this field because no matter how many years I work I will never get bored. Their will always be someone a couple steps ahead of me, chuckling at me as I march through lessons they have already learned.
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