My fiance took me to the coolest restaurant a couple months ago and I just have to post about it. Its the T-Rex Restaurant located in the Legends Shopping center near Kansas City. Pretty much the entire place is themed with... you guessed it, DINOSAURS!!! It was probably the coolest place I have ever had dinner! If you have ever been in a Rain Forest Cafe then just picture that with dinos instead. We had our dinner next to a family of Triceratops!
If you ever get a chance to go, DO IT! The food was okay and the atmosphere is super!
Here are a few shots of the place but the pictures don't do it justice.
Edison is a gnome that my best friend, Jenny, and I have sort of adopted... together. haha He was a Christmas gift from me to Jen so that we can use him as a sort of travel buddy via mail. We take turns with him, take his picture with us then send him on to the other. We are keeping an album of all his exploits and passing it back and forth as well. Its just another way for her and I to be silly when we aren't able to be together to do so!
Here are just a few of Edison's first adventures!! :)
I absolutely love Chicago and have been there several times now. This last time was after Danielle's wedding. Micah and I were able to spend the day on the Mag mile with a couple good friends. The highlight of the day was probably getting some pizza at Ginos! IT IS THE BEST!!!
Anyways, here are the pictures highlighting that trip, hope you take a look and enjoy!
My way through the world while looking through a lens. I want to share things I've learned, things I've seen and a whole bunch of pictures!
About me:
My name is Trinity and I am a graduate of broadcast journalism from the University of Missouri. I most recently worked for the United States Olympic Committee and am now looking for a full time job. I love video, photography, music, movies and travel. I lived in the Christian Campus House in college and am a Christ follower. Please check out my websites at and
Resume Highlights
Content Developer for the United States Olympic Committee
Reporter for ONS at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
TV Reporter, Anchor and Producer for KOMU 8 News
Sports editor and writer for student newspaper MUSN