So, wow, it has been a really long time. I have been way-super-crazy busy. First off a few things I have missed blogging about include visiting Royal Gorge, seeing it snow in May, moving from Colorado Springs to Topeka, a trip to Chicago, buying a fisheye lens, visiting home, going to tons of weddings because I was the photographer, visiting Powell Gardens and... AND... GETTING ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, pretty cool right? Well this post will cover the proposal and ring and such and then I promise to be a better blogger and get caught up on all that other fun stuff I mentioned. :)
Are you ready??
GOOD! Here is my Proposal story... *spoiler alert: I said yes!*
I have had a lot of people ask about the story, so I decided to just write a blog about it. It wasn't a lavish proposal or anything but it fits us. To understand how I have to go back and tell the story of how we got together.
On January 19th 2008 a giant group of our CCH friends were celebrating the last of our college winter break by going out to eat at Ihop the night before going to an MU basketball game. We went to Ihop and were there until 1 AM. Somehow I had won a bet or something and got a friend, Caleb Hoke, to buy my food. BAD IDEA. I got an omelet something or another and while on the drive back to CCH I had to have Danielle Gerts stop the car and let me out to inevitably say goodbye to said omelet something or another. It was quite awful because Micah was actually riding back with us and got to see the show. Once we arrived back at CCH, in true form our group sat around and talked forever on the green couches. I still felt terrible however and had to make several trips to the restroom to throw up. Oh yeah... ATTRACTIVE! After a couple hours I was feeling better though. Slowly our group started to dwindle and around 3:30 AM it was just Micah, myself and a very sleepy Josh Smith left. I was about to call it a night when Micah asked me to play cards so we sat and played ERS for-ev-ver (say that Sandlot style) while our friend Josh napped on the green couches. After awhile we moved from that room so we didn't wake Josh. FINALLY we finished our last game around 5 AM and I was ready to hit the hay. However Micah hestitated and asked if we could talk. Then he proceeded to say "I-was-wondering-if-you-would-go-out-with-me-but-don't-tell-me-now-please-think-about-it-uh-good-night!" and sprinted away. I kind of stood there like what the heck happened... I had been hit by the "will you go out with me" tornado! haha Eventually I was able to fall asleep about 3 hours later (Yes 8 am) slept a few hours and got up to go to the game. And the rest is history... I said yes, thus starting our relationship.
Fast Forward a couple years....
Its Monday, May 17, 2010. I had just moved to Topeka from Colorado Springs the weekend before and then spent the 15th and 16th visiting friends in Columbia MO. Micah and I had made tentative plans to go on a date that Monday just because we hadn't been on one forever and in a sort of "Yay we live in the same town again!" celebration. HOWEVER about 4AM I woke up SICK AS A DOG. I had a fever, throwing up, cold sweats... the works. I texted Micah to tell him that I was sick and may need medicine before he went to work. He got up and ready for work and came over to my apartment to check on me before he headed off to work and I was still in bad shape. On his lunch break he drove back to my apartment and brought me medicine and soup and then rubbed my back while I napped in my too-sick-to-move coma. He left and the medicine kicked in... finally around 3 PM I felt a bit better. I drug myself out of bed and took a shower. I even ate and kept the soup down. When Micah got out of work he came back by my apartment to check on me. I was still not well but feeling MUCH better and a little hungry. I told him I didn't really feel up to getting dressed up and going to the nice restaurant we had planned to go to but that maybe I could handle something else a bit more casual. I apologized several times and said I hoped I hadn't ruined any special plans he had had. He assured me I hadn't and that it was fine. We proceeded to drive until I said Applebees would do. We ate and I felt better with food in me. We drove back to our apartment complex (his apartment is on one end of it and mine is on the other) and then started walking up the sidewalk to his apartment. I was walking in front of him when he hugged me from behind and said "I lied earlier". Confused I said what? He then said "about the plans..." I turned around as he started to say this, "But I decided that if you being sick didn't stop me from asking you out then it shouldn't stop me from asking you something else!" He was on his knee.

I cried, he pulled out a ring box. TOTAL SHOCK AND SURPRISE! I hadn't seen this coming at all! I said yes... I think, lol, I don't remember much except crying like a girlie girl and looking at him on the sidewalk next to the flowerish bushes. After the proposal we went inside and of course called my parents and his, then family and friends... we had a slight moment of panic because he had went ahead and changed his facebook status before I had a chance to call all my friends. Micah did not know it would immediately say he was engaged without my approval! So I was rushing like crazy to call all the people I could so I could be the first one to tell them instead of them finding out on facebook. Two more problems though... I just got a new phone and had NO ONE'S numbers in it AND it was dying!!! So we sprinted to my apartment to grab my old phone with all my numbers and my charger. It all turned out ok anyways... I was able to catch most of my close friends before facebook had. The last two people I talked to were my two very best friends Brittany Hood and Jenny Seelye. They were the first friends I had tried to call but didn't answer! I even left Jenny a message saying "You're killing me Jenny Seelye, I. am. dying." Finally I got her on the phone and then Brittany Hood. Hood however did not believe me and actually made me put Micah on the phone for confirmation! hahaha
So yeah... that's the story. Like I said not the most lavish but I like the story. I figure what better way for someone to say they REALLY do want to spend the rest of their life with you and care for you than to bring you medicine, soup and skip their own lunch just to take care of you? The original plan was to eat at a fancy restaurant and then he was going to take me to a park look-out spot that was on a hill. I think I would have suspected something that way though, this way was perfect, personal and a total surprise. :)
We don't have a date set yet but will be getting on that soon!
This is Micah, my fiance. This isn't an actual picture of the proposal though, just him being goofy. :)