I finally have the pics from my work trip. It was a fun time and I got to stay in a beautiful hotel,
The Palmer House.
My trip started with me running late to the airport because of a detour. I made it to the plane ok and sat next to a very sweet lady from Poland on my way to Chicago. Once I landed in Chicago I got a cab and it took an hour to get to my hotel. Which was unfortunate because it was an extremely awkward drive. My driver told me how he was going through a 2 year divorce, had 4 kids and that his wife was leaving him for a woman after ten years of marriage. Then he told me how he is trying internet dating and then let it slip that he is an illegal immigrant. I tried to comfort him and tell him I would pray for him and his children but the ride was awkward nonetheless.
I finally arrived at the hotel and met up with Sonya, my co-worker, and we went and grabbed some dinner. We ate at this nice little place across from a theater and I had asparagus stuffed chicken with feta cheese. SOOO GOOD! After dinner Sonya and I walked through
Millennium Park then went by the mirrored bean and headed to Navy Pier. At Navy Pier the weather was just right for some great views and pictures. The boats were all docked and a couple storm clouds were approaching over the sky scrapers. Another cool site while walking along the water was seeing a multiple sailed ship on the horizon. It looked just like a pirate ship!
As we headed back to our hotel I got the chance to stop and pet a very cute french bulldog puppy that a lady was walking and then went into a corner cafe and got a DELICIOUS mango lemonade to take back to my room. I was able to relax in my room, chat with Micah online and watch some TV. It was too bad that I ended up watching the movie "The Mist",lol, it's kind of freaky. After the movie I hit the hay in a king sized bed all to myself. :D
My work day started bright and early at 5:30 am, I got up and got ready and we left the hotel at 6:30 am. We were picked up and taken to the rec. center where the Paralympic Experience event was being held. It was a fun day once the kids started showing up. I spent my day filming Paralympians teaching children the paralympic sports. I interviewed several kids, parents, volunteers, athletes, and leaders. I took several pictures as the kids enjoyed Boccia ball, sled hockey, handcycling and wheelchair softball. I got free Chicago pins, 2 t-shirts, olympic bracelets and a free dinner from Jimmie Johns. After the event we made our way to the airport to head back to Colorado Springs.
All in all it was an amazing time!